Man holding baby with apple in hand

Consumers can play an important role in managing their healthcare, while managing costs for their employer. HPI has years of experience designing consumer-driven health plans (CDHPs) that create effective incentives for health plan members to make cost-efficient choices.

Broad range of tools

HPI helps employers take advantage of the full range of federally established funding tools, including Flexible Spending Accounts (FSAs), Health Savings Accounts (HSAs), and Health Reimbursement Arrangements (HRAs). All offer tax incentives for consumers to make smart choices that save money for themselves and their employer.

Maximizing convenience

HPI provides expert, responsive service to help health plan members make the most of their CDHP. Our convenient prepaid benefits debit card makes it easy to access funds at the time of service. Members can keep tabs on their account with secure online account access.

Objective expertise on tap

CDHP funding tools can be complex. HPI helps employers fully understand the relative advantages and requirements so they can make informed decisions for their businesses. We work with employers to provide a customized solution that meets their needs.

Want to compare?

While consumer-driven health plans share some commonalities, they also have important differences. To learn more about FSAs, HSAs and HRAs and to compare their features contact your HPI sales executive.

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