You’re on Your Way to a Smoke-free Life
You’re ready to take the first steps, and we’re here to help you every step of the way.
Did you know?
Quitting smoking can save pack-a-day smokers over $3,600.00 per year –not including related health care costs.
What would you do with an extra $3,600 a year?
HPI wants to help you improve your health - and your bank account.
I’m Looking for a Program.
With Freedom from Smoking Plus or Freedom from Smoking Online® you can:
- Get ready for your quit date with a plan
- Build strategies for managing stress, avoiding weight gain and staying active during your quit and after
- Share your experiences with others who get it
- Get live support
- Enjoy 24/7 access from your desktop, tablet or smartphone
- Join hundreds of thousands of adult smokers who have used the program and quit – for good
Additional Resources
U.S. Government-sponsored Tobacco Cessation Resources
- Get connected directly to the correct Stat Quit Line:1-800-QUIT NOW (1-800-784-8669)
- Federal website for tobacco cessation.
> American Cancer Society
> American Heart Association
> American Lung Association