Webinar: Join HPI, HST, and Sun Life Discussing Transparency in Healthcare Spending
When: Wed, Mar 10, 2021 at 11:30 AM Eastern Time (US & Canada) (GMT -5:00)
Duration: 1 hour 30 minutes
Healthcare and insurance markets are seeing profits from the increase of premiums year over year, leaving your employers struggling to keep up, but Reference Based Pricing (RBP) can help. Learn how keeping healthcare local, reducing plan costs and minimizing provider and member noise through RBP can be a solution for your employers.
- RBP as a cost-savings solution for employers
- A unique approach to RBP
- Stop loss considerations for RBP arrangements
Elizabeth Stoneman, National Sales Executive, HPI
Ryan Day, President, HST
Brendan Waight, Stop Loss Specialist, Sun Life