What’s the good news, ladies? BenefitsPRO - October Edition
By Susan L. Combs, "What’s the good news, ladies?" BenefitsPRO, October 20, 2023, https://www.benefitspro.com/2023/10/20/whats-the-good-news-ladies-october-edition-2/.
The 4th Quarter is here. Who’s ready? Who’s already worn out? Who’s going to blow things out of the water? Who’s all of the above? I just want to put it out there in case someone needs to hear it: We are all human. We need to take time for ourselves during this insanely busy time and we need to rest and recharge. I know it’s cliché, but we are told that we need to put our own oxygen masks on first before we can help others. Sounds good if you say it really fast, but it’s also very important to remind yourself of this.
Our next two ladies have experienced firsthand how important it is to support your mental and physical health from their work as well as their own personal experiences and I think it’s a great time to remind you all that if you do not take the time to fill your cup, you won’t have anything to give to anyone else. Please meet Jeannie and Shana and be inspired by the work they are doing!
Jeannie Comins-Roberts, Health Plans, Inc. (HPI)
“As Director of Benefits Compliance at HPI, I make impactful daily changes in the health care industry while enjoying what I am passionate about. In early January, I witnessed firsthand the disarray of our health care system after my husband had a life-threatening event. What I saw fueled a fire to use my 20-plus years of experience in the self-insurance industry to improve how we communicate benefits compliance to clients, brokers and members.
As I continue on this path, I aim to educate those impacted by regulatory changes to health plan benefits by integrating those changes into existing processes, including embracing new technology (AI) and what it will offer our industry. Outside of HPI, I chair positions for NYS NABIP and contribute to HPI’s Women in Healthcare. I enjoy being a change agent and am very proud to be making impactful changes to our industry.”
Shana Hoffman, CEO Lucet
“Throughout my career, I have always been passionate about tackling some of health care’s most pressing care delivery challenges head on. In my opinion, the first step towards accomplishing that goal is making mental health care part of regular medical care, so there is no delineation between physical and behavioral health. As CEO of Lucet, I am dedicated to leading a team of like-minded visionaries focused on finding innovative ways to break down these behavioral health treatment barriers that have plagued our industry for so long. Whether building innovative digital solutions or leveraging analytics to quickly link patients to the care they need, I’m committed to ensuring that no one is falling through the cracks of our health care system.”