Harvard Pilgrim purchases lifestyle change management organization TrestleTree, Inc. of Fayetteville, Arkansas

Firm has proven track record of lowering health care costs for large employers

Wellesley, MA - January 9, 2015 - Harvard Pilgrim Health Care, through its subsidiary Health Plans, Inc., announced that it
has acquired TrestleTree, Inc., a nationwide provider of lifestyle change management services to large employers.

TrestleTree, based in Fayetteville, Arkansas, offers health behavior change coaching that is accredited by the Utilization Review Accreditation Commission (URAC) for disease management. The company offers a unique behavior change coaching model to companies across the US. Its lifestyle management programs include health risk assessment, smoking cessation, weight management, stress management, exercise programs and analysis of gaps in care. The firm has developed software to support these programs with progress monitoring and reporting. TrestleTree’s approach has achieved measurable and sustainable change for employees and their families, regardless of motivation level or severity of condition that has resulted in lower healthcare costs for employers. The company also partners in two CMS Accountable Care Organizations with direct support of participating physicians and their attributed patients. TrestleTree’s innovative model is being leveraged by hospitals, employers and physician groups within local communities to improve health and lower healthcare costs.

“We are thrilled to offer our employers TrestleTree’s proven methods for health transformation," said Deb Hodges, Health Plans, Inc. president. “This acquisition complements our existing integrated care management and third party administration services, enabling us to offer higher level risk management and cost savings for employers.”

”TrestleTree’s leadership and team members are honored to become a part of Harvard Pilgrim Health Care and Health Plans, Inc.’s integrated care management solution” said Ted Borgstadt, TrestleTree president. “Our new relationship with Harvard Pilgrim allows for a broader expansion of TrestleTree’s core expertise: helping less motivated individuals measurably change difficult health behaviors that results in lower cost and better health. TrestleTree’s participants, clients and employees will benefit greatly from this exciting relationship.”

As a health services company, Harvard Pilgrim is very pleased to join forces with TrestleTree,” said Eric H. Schultz, president and CEO. “TrestleTree’s lifestyle management capabilities will be an effective and attractive tool for employers to help employees improve their health, but it is also one with excellent potential for lowering health care costs.” 


About Harvard Pilgrim Health Care

Harvard Pilgrim Health Care is a not-for-profit health services company serving more than one million members in New England. Founded in 1969, the health plan has built its reputation on pragmatic innovation with a goal of lowering costs, improving care and enhancing the overall member experience.

Harvard Pilgrim is known for its excellent clinical programs, customer service, health improvement strategies and innovative tools that offer consumers greater transparency and empower them to make better decisions about their health care.

Harvard Pilgrim consistently ranks among America’s highest-rated private health plans according to an annual ranking of the nation’s best health plans by the National Committee for Quality Assurance (NCQA)*.


About Health Plans, Inc.

Founded in 1981, Health Plans, Inc. (HPI) provides comprehensive third-party plan administration to employers, municipalities and Taft-Harley plans. In 2005, HPI was acquired by Harvard Pilgrim Health Care and now is the largest TPA in New England. HPI has become a leading TPA by offering customized, self-funded plans, combined with superior customer service, investment in the latest technology and reinsurance security. For more information, visit healthplansinc.com or call 800-532-7575.


* NCQA’s Private Health Insurance Plan Rankings, 2011-15, HMO/POS/PPO. NCQA’s Health Insurance Plan Rankings 2010-11 – Private. U.S.News/NCQA America’s Best Health Insurance Plans 2005-2009 (annual). America’s Best Health Insurance Plans is a trademark of U.S.News & World Report. NCQA The State of Health Care Quality 2004.